CAD-based manufacturing has been a natural choice for us since 2006, as a consistent continuation of our design work with the corresponding software. The advantage for our customers and our own company – speed and efficiency. The uncomplicated data transfer is guaranteed as well as the transmission, and above all, a complete digital representation of the workflow from the offer to the billing. As powerful CAD software, we rely on Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024, which currently corresponds to the latest version. Being “state of the art” requires a certain effort: Each update of our software includes several days of training for our employees, as the system is only as good as the people who operate it. But the effort is worthwhile because with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024 bundled with an Autodesk Collection, which includes numerous other programs (Autodesk Mechanical, Fusion, and calculation software), we offer a customer-specific interface tailored to our company and programs. Database Vault, in turn, provides a direct interface to our ERP software. This allows item numbers to be requested directly via the database, as well as automatic item assignment and item creation in the ERP.
Inventor bills of materials are completely transferred and created after article status changes. Article and data management, in turn, are continuously carried out via revisions and also in the case of drawing changes. The released files are stored in neutral file formats on our server and are accessible to all employees. This ensures that only the released and current files are used in manufacturing or procurement. And so the drawing bill of materials always matches the work documents such as job orders.
And so the drawing bill of materials always matches the work documents such as job orders.
As a result, we have a reliable, rapid, and highly efficient processing of orders. For the production of laser parts, for example, this ideally means: The customer sends the drawing of their part, we check it using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024, while the order is automatically created and reconciled with the inventory. If the required material is not in stock, a notification is sent to purchasing. Otherwise, in conjunction with the ERP, the bill of materials is created, the costs are determined, and the offer is created. After production and delivery, we automate the invoicing. Your advantage? In the best case, you send us the order the day before yesterday, and today you receive the parts. If you want to know what we understand by “state of the art” – we look forward to your call, email, or inquiry.